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Predictive on-line calculators
Links below are to online predictive calculators for various
parameters of patient outcome based on clinical models.
Risk of dying during, or shortly after, heart surgery based
on a number of studies associating preoperative clinical
variables with patient outcome.
Results including intraoperative clinical variables is:
A multivariate Bayesian model for assessing morbidity after coronary artery surgery
B. Biagioli & al, Critical Care 2006, 10:R94 doi:10.1186/cc4951
- Warfarissimo
Prediction of INR value and dynamics based on patient characteristics and
timing of warfarin or acenocoumarol administration.
- AIDA Prediction of glucose
level dynamics given diet and insulin administration for a typical
insulin-dependent diabetes patient.
Other related calculators:
- Food pyramid Calculation
of the ingredients of a healthy diet by anthropometric parameters.
Copyright (c) 2006 Alexandru Corlan